How Mindfulness Improves Concentration

Leigh K.
2 min readJul 24, 2024
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on what’s in front of you and training yourself not to let your emotions run away with your sanity.

Concentration is the ability to put all of your focus and energy on one specific task. Sounds easy until you find yourself reorganizing your bookshelves for the 100th time instead of washing the dishes…no?… Am I the only one who does that?… Fine….Whatever…Squirrel!

Anyway, mindfulness can improve concentration. Here’s how…

Reduce Distractions & Focus Control

Mindfulness teaches us to identify and acknowledge distracting thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in the nose dive that usually comes with them. With mindfulness practice, you can gain better control of your focus and sustain it for longer than someone with a mentally cluttered mind.

Self Regulation

Sometimes it’s easy for a wandering mind to lose its way. It’s also easy not to be aware of it. Mindfulness helps you realize you’ve lost focus, grown agitated, or impatient. When you are self-aware and recognize your state of mind you can bring your focus back to the present and back on task.

Reduce Anxiety & Stress



Leigh K.

Niche-less Writer, Geek, Psychology Fan, Yogi...ish..., Enlightenment Seeker, & Life Long Learner.. I want to learn all the things.