State Cryptids: The Nain Rouge

Welcome to Michigan

Leigh K.
2 min readAug 2, 2024
Credit: Nain Rouge: The Red Legend courtesy of Josef Bastian

The city of Detroit is cursed. A harbinger of doom has brought chaos and destruction to the streets since 1701 when it attacked the founder of Detroit Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac. This demon is referred to as the Nain Rouge or the Red Dwarf. Welcome to Michigan.

The Nain Rouge is said to be a short red demon with pointed teeth and glowing ember eyes.

The story says that on March 10, 1701, Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac was told by a fortune teller at a party in St. Louis Quebec that he would build a great city but that it would face strife, chaos, and hardship. She warned him not to offend the Nain Rouge.

Cadillac did not take this seriously and laughed it off. But after founding the city of Detroit he encountered the Red Dwarf one night. Instead of showing it respect, Cadillac hit it with his cane and chased it away. The Nain Rouge’s laughter broke the night. Cadillac should have listened to the fortune teller.

Cadillac lost all of his assets and fortune and died penniless. The Nain Rouge was just getting started.

The next time the Nain Rouge was seen was July 30, 1763. Witnesses claim to have seen the little demon near the Pontiac River. The next day Ottowa Chief Pontiac claimed victory in the Battle of Bloody Run killing over 60…



Leigh K.

Niche-less Writer, Geek, Psychology Fan, Yogi...ish..., Enlightenment Seeker, & Life Long Learner.. I want to learn all the things.