The Five Senses of Hygge: Staying Cozy & Mindful This Winter With Hygge Living

Leigh K.
4 min readNov 20, 2023
Photo by Anastasiia Romanska on Unsplash

The days are colder and the nights are longer. It’s a time of year when mental health can decline rapidly. Living a hygge lifestyle can help. Like a mindfulness practice, hygge helps you appreciate the now using your senses.

Hygge (Hoo-ga) is a Danish concept. There is no real translation for it, but it generally means coziness. It’s about finding comfort in the little things in life.

Something as simple as a warm cup of tea and a good book is hygge. Spending time with family or friends is hygge. It’s about appreciating what you have at the moment.

“…hygge is about an atmosphere and an experience…” — Meik Wiking.

Hygge can be experienced through hot cocoa, tea, candles, cozy blankets, fuzzy slippers, pleasant conversations, and anything else that makes you feel safe, warm, and happy.

Hygge is a form of mindfulness. It inspires focus on the moment at hand.

According to Meik Wiking, author of The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living, hygge can be experienced through the five senses if you’re willing to pay attention.


A lot of times comfort and coziness come in the form of food and drink.



Leigh K.

Niche-less Writer, Geek, Psychology Fan, Yogi...ish..., Enlightenment Seeker, & Life Long Learner.. I want to learn all the things.